Congress center
Ljubljana, Slovenia
315 m²
Ognen Arsov
Ana Kosi
Žiga Rošer
Barbara Žunkovič
»Doodle« artwork
Jure Markota
Janez Marolt
The congress center is located in a former car showroom. Even though the space was defined by the massive load-bearing structure, it was necessary to ensure the flexibility of user scenarios - either having three smaller lecture rooms, one large lecture room or a maximally open space for big events. We met these requirements by using two elements: a reflective, technical folding wall and a printed corrugated curtain. The various layout combinations of these two elements allow for different ambient conditions.
The space was designed as a gallery - in neutral white - and features work by artist Jure Markota. The curtain and the floor serve as canvas for the artist's work titled “The Doodle”. The central motifs of the print were everyday sketches, made normally when a person is distracted. Usually these are quick and easy drawings that appear on the edges of notebooks, scraps of paper, etc. The composition of the print consists of drawings by random authors. As a result the curtain offers an interesting look into unconscious creation which humorously addresses and enriches space and time.
Scenario 1 – Small Congress Rooms
Scenario 2 – Big Congress Space
Scenario 3 – Open Plan
Scenario 4 – Mixed Use
Doodle artwork curtain print (by Jure Markota)