Podzemni Spa
Podzemna Razširitev Turistične Kmetije
Sela pri Ratežu, Slovenija
110 m²
Ognen Arsov
Ana Kosi
Žiga Rošer
Kaja Todorović
Ana Skobe
On a clearing surrounded by a forest lies a former mill, nowadays a tourist farm. The romantic, idyllic estate consists of five rustic buildings. A new facility with spa program was added to one of them – the apartment house. The new spa is not designed as an object that integrates formally and stylistically with the existing farm buildings. It is designed as an underground space with its own logic and rules. At the entrance the visitor moves from a traditional rural environment to an introverted, abstract, purified space. A visit to the spa is intended for relaxation, rest and meditation. Retreating into a parallel "underground" world enables this leap not only on the physical but also the mental level. The spa connects with the "upper world" via two light wells and an outdoor terrace. These three elements are designed as wooden, abstract prisms that pierce the green hill between existing objects. The new object is only perceived in the "upper world" through the distortion of typical rural scenery created by these new unexpected wooden elements.
Pred / Lokacija
Aksonometrija - položaj novega podzemnega prizidka v odnosu do obstoječe stavbe.
Dodajanje novega volumna pod obstoječi teren.
Razdelitev volumna na pet prostorov glede na njihovo uporabo.
Strešna okna, ki omogočajo naravno svetlobo in povezavo spa z zunanjostjo.
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